Our Leader

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  – Galatians 2:20 “

Evangelist Carl Brown

Evangelist Carl Brown travels extensively preaching and teaching the Message of The Cross to churches by invitation.


In 1978, 36 years ago now, Bro. Brown was just 23 years old in the prime of his young life. While he was on his way to New Orleans, Louisiana for a weekend of partying and gambling; Bro. Brown had a similar experience (not equal comparison) to the road to Damascus conversion experience that happened to the Apostle Paul. He experienced a visitation from the Lord Jesus that brought him to repentance. The Spirit of God came into his little yellow Volkswagen while he was driving on Interstate 10 brought him to repentance and forever changed his life. Bro. Brown in broken tearful repentance surrendered his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. By the time he reached New Orleans, just about an hour’s drive away from Baton Rouge he was a changed man, being born again by the Spirit of God.

After only a few weeks of being born again of the Spirit of God, his hunger increased for the mighty Baptism in the Holy Ghost. He got alone with God in prayer and asked to be filled with the Holy Ghost and with power, and was immediately baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues fluently.

Late one night while spending time in prayer at the altar of a denominational church he used to attend. He would go there just to pray and seek God while no one else was there. The Lord visited with him and caused him to be slain in the Spirit for the very first time in his life. While he was laid prostrate out on the floor caught up in the Spirit, the Lord asked “would you preach my gospel?” Bro. Brown’s answer was an obvious “yes” Lord I will do anything for you.

Bro. Brown’s calling is that of an Evangelist; however he has been Pastor of several churches. He and his wife pioneered two churches, and have done the work of an Apostle for 7 years in New Iberia, Louisiana. He was a Pastoral staff member at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries for 3 & ½ years, he was pastor of the inner city church “Goya family Worship Center.” He was hired on staff at Promise Keepers out of Denver Colorado as Louisiana’s Area Manager. Bro. Brown has spoken at many events for Promise Keepers, speaking directly to men about being godly men.

Bro. Brown has been married since 1982 to his lovely wife, Sis. Theresa Brown. He is the host of the television & radio broadcast “Wind of the Spirit.” He is also a guest Panelist on “SBN” Sonlife Broadcasting Network with Jimmy Swaggart’s Ministries. He’s a guest on “The Message of The Cross Program” with Bro. Swaggart and also a guest of Frances and Friends with Frances Swaggart. He is the author of a newly published book “The Strength of Black America” The Role of Black Women in the End Times! He has written and published his second book entitled “The Process of Coming To Yourself” The Testimony of Evangelist Carl Brown! He is currently writing his third book entitled “The Making of the Man of God” For many be Called but few Chosen! Bro. Brown is a no non-sense preacher and preaches an un-compromised message of Jesus Christ, the Cross, the Death, Burial, Resurrection, and his imminent return. He believes that the local church is vitally important to carry out the work of the Great Commission as they follow the leading of the Holy Ghost.